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Academic Integrity: Academic Integrity

What does "Academic Integrity" really mean?

"The principles of truth and integrity are recognized as fundamental to a community of teachers and scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will honor these principles and in so doing will protect the integrity of all academic work and student grades. Students are expected to do all work assigned to them without unauthorized assistance and without giving unauthorized assistance."

(CSUB Catalog 2011-2013, Page 78)

CSUB Undergraduate Academic Integrity Policy

Some Definitions:

Plagiarism at CSUB

Have you ever plagiarized in a class?
Yes: 3 votes (16.67%)
No: 8 votes (44.44%)
Yes, but because I was unaware it was considered plagiarism at the time.: 3 votes (16.67%)
Possibly, but I'm still unsure of what plagiarism is.: 4 votes (22.22%)
Total Votes: 18