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Information Literacy Tutorials

Credo Tutorials, Videos, & Quizzes for Any Course or Research Project


On the left side of this page are several interactive tutorials and videos that anyone can use to learn more about information literacy and the importance of researching purposefully, intentionally, and ethically. 


Are you looking for a certain "number" of sources to satisfy a research paper requirement, or are you looking for the BEST sources to provide you with the information you need? And how will you use the information you find? Do you know who wrote it? How will you represent that voice or perspective when you incorporate it in your research assignment? Are there any better voices you could use instead for that information?
Use these resources to help you answer these questions!


Could AI successfully complete the research assignments in your classes? Do you ask students to critically discuss their research? Do you know if they are interpreting their sources accurately, or are they simply meeting a required number of citations? How important to you is a source's authority? How important is representation? Have you had these conversations in your classes? 
Use these resources to engage your students in these conversations!

Check out the topics in the list on the left, and consider ways that you might practice or discuss these concepts and principles in your classes. Whether you are a student or a professor, you can always be more information literate! These skills impact the way you receive and respond to everything you see, hear, read, watch, say, and write. Every. Single. Day.