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Publishers Requiring ORCID IDs

Since 2016, more than 50 major publishers have begun to require ORCID IDs in their publishing process.

This includes:

  • Wiley
  • The Royal Society
  • American Chemical Society
  • Springer Nature
  • IEEE
  • Science Open
  • SAGE Publications
  • Society of Open Science
  • American Physical Society

For a complete list, please view the webpage on the Requiring ORCID in Publication Workflows: Open Letter

Implementation Standard

ORCID provided implementation guidelines for publishers who wished to sign the ORCID Open Letter - One Year On Report. The following minimum standard of implementation was to ensure the collection of ORCID IDs is efficient, adheres to best practices, and ultimately reduces the burden on researchers:

  1. Require. ORCID iDs are required for corresponding authors of published papers, with the understanding that ORCID iD collection should be enabled as an option for all authors and should ideally take place at submission.
  2. Collect. The collection of ORCID iDs is done via the ORCID API (authenticated ORCID iDs), meaning that authors are not asked to type in or search for their iD.
  3. Auto-update. Publisher Crossref DOI metadata is updated to include ORCID iDs for authors, so that Crossref Auto-update can be implemented. The ORCID iD DOI metadata includes the attribute indicating whether the iD was collected using the API (authenticated).
  4. Publish. Author/co-author ORCID iDs are embedded into article metadata, at least in online versions, and ideally in print versions of the publication.  At a minimum the ORCID iD logo should be displayed next to the name of each author who has connected their iD; in online versions and metadata, the author name should be hyperlinked to the appropriate ORCID iD directly or via a landing page.  

You can read further at this ORCID webpage.