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How to Manage Your ORCID

Connect Your Record

  • In your record, you have access to nearly 1,200 integrations across research and academic institutions, publishers, funders, and other service providers and more are being added all the time. learn how to connect your record here.

Ensure Your Work is Discoverable

  • Did you know the visibility of each piece of data in your ORCID record is controlled by you? Learn how to adjust visibility to make your work discoverable - or keep some things private or shared only with your trusted organizations.

Enhance Discoverability of Your Funding History

  • Add funding information to your record by manually, or by importing from other systems such as DimensionsWizard.

Automatic Updates to Your Record as You Publish

  • Ensure that data such as peer reviews and other works automatically get pushed to your record when they become available by linking your record with Datacite, Crossref or Publons.

To learn even more on how you can best utilize your ORCID, visit the ORCID + Researchers webpage.


I forgot which email address my ORCID is associated with.

  • If you have forgotten which email address you registered your ORCID account with, please go to our Forgot password page. Select the ORCID iD option, and then enter in any email addresses you may have registered with.

    We will send you an email letting you know your 16-digit ORCID identifier.

    If the email says we could not find an ORCID iD associated with the email address, then retry the process above with your other current email addresses (both personal and professional) to recover the ORCID iD.

    When you have exhausted all other options, please contact us with your full name, your 16-digit ORCID identifier, and any email addresses you may have registered for an account with. Note: To prevent this from happening in the future, we recommend adding multiple email addresses to your ORCID account.

Why should I add another email address to my ORCID?

  • The most common issue we hear from users is the loss of access to their former email addresses registered to their accounts.

We strongly recommend adding at least one backup email address, so you can recover access to your ORCID record in case you lose access to another email.

I lost access to my previously registered email address. What can I do?

  • If you remember your password, try logging in at using your 16-digit ORCID iD or your previous email address as your username. 

    If you’ve forgotten your password AND have lost access to previously registered email, please contact us and include: 

    • Your name
    • ORCID iD(s) you think may belong to you
    • Any former email addresses you may have registered with
    • A current institutional or work email address (if possible)

    This information will make it easier for us to identify potential ORCID records that may belong to you and provide you with a quicker turnaround.

    Please see How can I access my ORCID record if I no longer have the email associated with it for more information. Note: To prevent this from happening in the future, we recommend adding multiple email addresses to your ORCID account.