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Chicago Citation Style 17th ed.: Citing Journal Articles

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Basic Journal Article Citation


Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Journal volume number, no. issue number (Year of Publication): page numbers. DOI or stable URL.


1.  Author's First Name Author's Last Name"Title of Article," Title of Journal volume number, no. issue number (Year of Publication): page number. DOI or stable URL.

Shortened Note

1. Author's Last Name, "Shortened Title of Article," page number.

Note: Not every journal article will have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. If the journal article you are citing has an alphanumeric DOI number, it should be included. 

Journal Article, one author


Russell, Lynette. “Affect in the Archive: Trauma, Grief, Delight and Texts. Some Personal Reflections.” Archives and Manuscripts 46, no. 2 (2018): 200–207.


1. Lynette Russell, "Affect in the Archive: Trauma, Grief, Delight and Texts. Some Personal Reflections," Archives and Manuscripts 46, no. 2 (2018): 201.

Shortened Note

1. Russell, " Affect in the Archive," 201.

Journal Article, 2 to 3 authors


Craig, Barbara Lazenby, Philip B Eppard, and Heather MacNeil. “Exploring Perspectives and Themes for Histories of Records and Archives: The First International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (I-CHORA I).” Archivaria 60 (2005): 1–10.


1. Barbara Lazenby Craig, Philip B Eppard, and Heather MacNeil, “Exploring Perspectives and Themes for Histories of Records and Archives: The First International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (I-CHORA I),” Archivaria 60 (2005): 4.

Shortened Note

1. Craig, Eppard, and MacNeil, "Exploring Perspectives," 4.

Journal Article, 4 or more authors


Evans, Joanne, Sue McKemmish, Elizabeth Daniels, and Gavan McCarthy. “Self-Determination and Archival Autonomy: Advocating Activism.” Archival Science 15, no. 4 (2015): 337–368.


1. Joanne Evans et al., “Self-Determination and Archival Autonomy: Advocating Activism,” Archival Science 15, no. 4 (2015): 339.

Shortened Note

1. Evans et al., "Self-Determination," 339.

Book Review


Munday, Owen. Review of Advocacy and Awareness for Archivists, by Kathleen D. Roe. Archives and Records 41, no. 2 (2020): 189-190. 


1. Owen Munday, review of Advocacy and Awareness for Archivists, by Kathleen D. Roe, Archives and Records 41, no. 2 (2020): 189, 

Shortened Note

1. Munday, Advocacy and Awareness, 189.