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Social Work Research Guide

Policy Issues in Social Work

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) has a Policy Issues webpage that is consistently updated to reflect the current climate in the profession. Consult this information resource to learn more about congressional bills, federal social policy priorities, NASW's advocacy work, and current key policy issues (such as child welfare, social worker safety, and affordable care act integration).

The Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) has a Policy Agenda listed on their webpage, stating their advocacy for issues important to social work education via their interaction with U.S. Congress. You can learn more about their principles and policies on social justice, health care, the opioid crisis, and chronic care.


The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) has a Legislative Alerts webpage where you can search for legislation, sign-up for update, and find officials.

California Legislative Information - search by codes or bill number. You may also search for bill information, California law, or publications. The webpage also displays daily updates, files, and quick links to various resources.