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Distance Services: Home

CSUB Antelope Valley Library is our Stiern Library Branch at the Antelope Valley Campus!


The Walter W. Stiern or CSUB Library provides excellent support for distance, international, and off-campus library users to access library resources. In order to support your use of the library, this page includes links to some of our most useful resources.

Begin Your Search for Sources

Use One Search to find books and articles in the CSUB Libraries’ collections. This Using OneSearch guide provides instruction on searching using One Search, refining and limiting your results, and getting to the full-text

More About Finding Articles

Expand your search to a subject-specific article database. Use our Library Databases page or our Subject Guides pages to find the best databases for your research area. When an article’s full-text is not available online, use Resource Sharing to request the article or contact your Subject Specialist Librarian for help.

More About Finding Books

For distance learners, using ebooks is often the most convenient way to access books in our collection. Use the One Search to find e-books. There is an option on the left side of your results page that will allow you to limit your search results to ebooks.

The CSUB Library print book collection is also accessible to distance learners. Distance Learners may use the library at CSUB Antelope Valley (AV), request delivery of books from other locations to CSUB AV, and apply for residential delivery. 

Distance Learning Faculty

Distance learning faculty and staff frequently ask if they can access the CSUB library from a distance. Yes. All that is needed is a your MyCSUB ID information to logon. Faculty can use the library for their own research projects, design assignments around library resources, and solicit instructional support from their subject specialist librarians or distance services librarian for subject specific information literacy instruction in the classroom or in an online or virtual setting. We are here for you and your students!

Connecting From Off-Campus

Many online resources will require a login from off-campus. Simply enter your CSUB username and password when you see are asked to login. If you have questions concerning your CSUB account, please consult the IT Support Center.

More Information and Getting Help

If you are a student at CSUB AV, more information about the AV campus library is available on the Antelope Valley website. For assistance with your research needs, call the reference desk at 1-661-654-3231, contact CSUB AV’s distance learning librarian, Kristine Holloway, at, or use our 24/7 Chat service. For questions specific to a certain course or program, consult our Library Research Guides or email your question to the subject-specialist librarian for your department,


Profile Photo
Kristine Holloway
Antelope Valley site, Rm. 502
661 952-5072
Subjects: Biology, Nursing