Below is a list of textbooks available to students for free as Library eBooks or Open Access eTextbooks. Most of these eBooks may be used by multiple students at the same time. Please double check your syllabus or the campus bookstore for a complete list of required textbooks since changes may occur after this list was created. This is not a complete list of all required textbooks. To purchase textbooks please contact the campus bookstore.
Course | Professor | Book Title | Semester |
BIOL 3210 | Michell Thomey | Human Ecology | Fall |
CHEM 4948 | Danielle Solano | Speaking about Science | Fall |
CPSY 6250 | Hailey Giffard | Handbook of Clinical Pharmacology for Therapists | Fall |
EDAD 6100 | Richard Wisman | How to Create A Culture of Achievement in Your School | Fall |
EDAD 6100 | Richard Wisman | Building Equity | Fall |
EDEL 5300 | Charles Clark | Mistakes We Have Made | Fall |
ENGR 3300 | Travis Moorre | Advanced Engineering Mathematics | Fall |
ENGL 3119 | Matthew Woodman | Shell Game | Fall |
ENGL 4648 | Bob Carlise | True American | Fall |
ENGL 4648 | Bob Carlise | Introduction to Sociolinguistics | Fall |
GEOL 6020 | Junha Guo | Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks | Fall |
HCA 5140 | Rabia Sohail | Well-Managed Healthcare Organization | Fall |
HIST 1228 | Jenny Andreotti | Migrant Daughter | Fall |
HIST 2100 | Kathleen Freeland | Pacific Eldorado | Fall |
HIST 3008 | Kathleen Freeland | Methods & Skills of History | Fall |
HIST 3008 | Alicia Rodriquez | Methods & Skills of History | Fall |
HIST 5610 | Miriam Vivian | Falls of Rome | Fall |
HIST 5610 | Miriam Vivian | Alexander the Great & His Empire: Short History | Fall |
HIST 5610 | Miriam Vivian | Goddesses, Whores, Wives & Slaves (with New Preface) | Fall |
HIST 5610 | Miriam Vivian | Age of Augustus | Fall |
MUS 3500 | Joel Haney | Music in Words | Fall |
NURS 3130 | Ernersto Hernandez | Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment, Care Plans & Medications | Fall |
NURS 3131 | Melissa Sherman | Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment, Care Plans & Medications | Fall |
NURS 3131 | Ernesto Hernandez | Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment, Care Plans & Medications | Fall |
PSYC 3260 | Luis Vega | Principles of Social Psychology | Fall |
PSYC 3260 | Allison Evans | Principles of Social Psychology | Fall |
PPA 6110 | Jiniping Sun | Public Budgeting in Context: Structure, Law, Reform and Results | Fall |
SCI 3609 | Jeff Lewis | Foundations of Modern Cosmology | Fall |
EDSE 5200 | Corey Mathis | Understanding by Design | Fall |
EDSE 5220 | Kristen Rameirez | Understanding by Design | Fall |
EDSE 5230 | Michell Gearhart | Understanding by Design | Fall |
EDSE 5240 | Michell Gearhart | Understanding by Design |
Fall |
EDSE 5250 | Corey Mathis | Understanding by Design | Fall |
EDSE 5260 | Corey Mathis | Understanding by Design | Fall |
EDSE 5270 | Corey Mathis | Understanding by Design | Fall |
EDSE 5280 | Corey Mathis | Understanding by Design | Fall |
EDSE 5280 | Corey Mathis | Understanding by Design | Fall |
EDSE 5500 | Gregory Adkins | Grading for Equity | Fall |
EDSE 5500 | Thianchayphet Phannaphob | Grading for Equity | Fall |
EDSE 5500 | Alice Hays | Grading for Equity | Fall |
EDSE 5500 | David Rivas | Grading for Equity | Fall |
SW 6460 | Ashleigh Herrera | Social Work & Human Services Treatment Planner, with DSM 5 Updates | Fall |
SW 6660 | Bob Mejia | Integrated Care (w/CD) | Fall |
SOC 2018 | David Arrieta | Presentation of Self in Contemporary Social Life | Fall |
SOC 3600 | Amanda Studebaker | Skills for Helping Professionals | Fall |
SOC 3600 | Amanda Studebaker | How Can We Solve Our Social Problems | Fall |
SOC 4300 | Jonathan Leif Basilio | Immigrant America | Fall |
SOC 4988 | Doreen Anderson-Facile | Unequal Childhoods | Fall |
THTR 1019 | Meny McMasters | Emotionally Intelligent Leadership | Fall |