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Kinesiology Research Guide

Peer-Reviewed or Scholarly Articles

Peer-Reviewed articles:

  • Original, scholarly research conducted by experts within a field or discipline
  • Prior to publication, work is reviewed by other scholars or experts within that same discipline
  • Peer-review ensures that the information being presented to you is based on solid evidence, scientific facts, not opinions
  • Provides a level of quality control
  • Articles generally include: Introduction, literature review, method, analysis, conclusion, references

Peer review is important not only because your professors will be requiring it of you, but also because they represent the most scholarly, most authoritative information within the different disciplines

What's a Database?

A database is a source of organized, searchable information or data. Databases can contain academic journals, peer-reviewed articles, newspapers, dissertations, e-books, reports, conference proceedings, government legislation, and much more.

Databases require specific searching with keywords and concepts. Examples: Academic Search Complete, ProQuest, Science Direct

Creating a Search Statement

1. Create a Research statement

This can be in the form of a question or a sentence. Just think about what you want to research and write it down in one sentence.

2. Identify the Keywords

Look at your research statement. What are the main words or concepts? They will likely be nouns, and can include phrases. Highlight them.

3. Think of synonyms

Look at the words/phrases you highlighted and think of synonyms or alternate phrases to describe those concepts. Scholarly articles often use words that we wouldn’t use in ordinary life.

4. Search in the databases

Pick two or three words/phrases from your list. Put each concept in its own search box.

5. Search again!

Try different combinations of words to get different results. Add more words to narrow down your results. Look at the “Subject” headings for each article to see what keywords are being used the most.


The information and resources found within library databases are extensive and of higher quality than most resources found on the open web. Instead of using Google to find information, make use of the vast amount of credible, quality information found within the databases.

Boolean Operators - AND, OR, NOT

boolean operator charrt

*Reused with permission from PGCC Libraries.